Welcome to Scrumptulescence - your home on the web for limited-scope, highly-opinionated, at times scatological, always spirited commentary on eating, drinking, and general carousing around the world (but mostly in Chicago and Philly). I'm Drew, part of the Philadelphia contingent (read: the sole member of said contingent as of this post). I recently stopped what I was doing in order to devote all my energy to making this the finest self-indulgent blog in the world. I hope you like it.
A little about me: I grew up in Wisconsin, but I can't stand sauerkraut. I learned to love bratwurst, but only because it's apparently un-American and rather un-Wisconsinite not to love them. Since then I have become an equal-opportunity eater, but you just won't convince me to like the taste of raw red onions. I don't know what it is, maybe I have some repressed red onion memory from childhood. I vaguely remember being knocked over by a large black lab when I was a kid, but since I'm not afraid of dogs I can only assume that it was actually a large-ish red onion and not a dog at all.
I love to cook and eat in my ridiculously small kitchen/hallway in the suburbs of Philadelphia. I'm hoping someday to have a kitchen large enough to accommodate my need for a walk-in freezer, roasting pit, and tiki bar. And counter space, maybe a pot rack. And somewhere to put my sweet orange KitchenAid mixer. Is that too much to ask? For now, though, I'm ballin' on a budget, and any money I do find lying around (whether the money or I am lying around is inconsequential) goes into delicious ingredients, ridiculously yummy meals, and unpronounceable wines.
I look forward to collaborating with Joe and Bryan, and maybe someday even eating with them. Until then, though, I'll provide the scoop on Philly eats (or wherever I go). I also like Ultimate and parenthetical asides (like this).
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